Monday, May 23, 2011

New to this...

This is my first blog website I have ever created, so Im not sure whats to come.  I will say that I want to invent something someday, so I do a lot of research on dumb ass inventions that made people millions.  I will post pictures of a few favorites (or should I say most moronic).  Embarrassing moments seem to be one of my "more popular" traits, and not by choice, Im just good at them.  But who cares? I dont.  I actually like to refer to them as memories.  Why memories and not horror stories you ask? Well thats simple, because everytime I finally lock one of these precious moments into the "please forget that happened" part of my brain, I see someone (most likely an aquaintance) with no hesitation says "Hey how are you? REMEMBER when you...(embarrasing moment inserted here).  Therefore, they continue to haunt me. 

This is all for now, time for work.

Double thumb forward fist pump,

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